Despre noi

Despre noi

Expert Recare a fost infiintata in anul 2019 si este specializată în repararea si recondiționarea aparate electrice mici pentru bucătărie și uz casnic. Suntem service autorizat pentru repararea produselor Tefal, Rowenta, Krups, Moulinex si WMF.

Expert Recare este acreditata ISO 9001 si ISO 14001 si se angajează să ofere cel mai înalt nivel de satisfacție clienților prin serviciile oferite. Angajatii nostri sunt tehnicieni de top cu o experienta in domeniul tehnic de peste 20 de ani.

Misiunea noastra este aceea de a oferi servicii la cel mai bun raport calitate-pret, urmarind permanent nevoile clientilor prin asigurarea permenenta a resurselor umane, financiare, materiale, tehnice si informationale pentru realizarea obiectivelor propuse.

Viorel Mirea

Founder CEO

My business philosophy is to create and nurture positive employee and customer relationships to the point where we are all better as a result of taking part in each other’s lives.

The pragmatic application of this philosophy is to ensure that there is a constant flow of respect for time, care for each other’s well being and support for our mutual success in the form of providing the instructions, knowledge and resources necessary to get the job done to the best of everyone’s ability.

Cristian Nimara

Executive Director, Co-Founder

I dedicate myself to ensuring my clients are successful. If they’re not successful then neither are we.

Putting our clients first and going way beyond the normal scope that any company would go to ensures that our clients are not only happy but also end up seeing results over the long-term. This has led to our success in building a business.